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This lightweight aluminum mini heat sinks that you can use with Raspberry Pi, several mini computer board and electronics board have adhesive bant on the back. Aluminum heat sinks prevent IC and processor from overheating. So the board will ensure more stable and long life.
The kit contains 3 aluminum heat sinks and there are dimesions of heat sinks below:
  • 14x14mm SOC Heat Sink
  • 9x9mm Voltage Regulator Heat Sink
  • 9x9mm LAN9512 Heat Sink
Heat Sink Kit is compatible with all 2/B+/A+/B models. All coolers can be used with Model B. It isn't necessary to have heat sink for regulator on the Model 2/B+/A+ boards. For this reason, It is sufficient to use two of them for LAN Driver and processor. The chip at the bottom of Model 2 board is RAM and it will not get warmer, for this reason it is not necessary to have heat sink for attached on the RAM.


Aluminum Heat Sink Kit
Aluminum Heat Sink Kit
11.12 TL + VAT
13.34 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.