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Arduino for Beginners

With this book, you can learn both C++ programming and Arduino programming together. You will gain knowledge about coding Arduino boards, and you can also learn about how to create more than 25 different examples and develop 8 unique projects with this book. The book covers the use of various modules and sensors in detail, from OLED displays to temperature and humidity sensors, distance sensors, joystick usage, and more.

Book Contents:

  • Grammar Rules
  • Variables
  • Operators 
  • Standart Girdi ve Çıktı Fonksiyonu
  • Koşullu Yapılar
  • Döngüler
  • Kütüphane Kullanımı
  • Arduino UNO
  • Arduino IDE
  • Breadboard (Devre Tahtası)
  • Arduino Temel Fonksiyonlar (pinMode, digitalWrite, delay vb.)
  • Seri Monitör Kullanımı
  • Potansiyometre
  • LDR (Işığa Bağımlı Direnç)
  • DHT1 (Sıcaklık ve Nem Sensörü)
  • HC-SR04 (Mesafe Sensörü)
  • Joystick Kullanımı
  • Motorlar (Step, Servo ve DC)
  • Buzzer
  • 4 Birim Dijital Gösterge
  • OLED Ekran
  • 16x2 I2C LCD Ekran
  • Röle
Arduino for lazy people
Arduino for lazy people
211.54 TL + VAT
253.85 TL
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