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Creality Hotend Accessory Kit

Creality 3D
Product Code
: 551.83 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 838.22 TL
İndirimli Fiyat
: 662.19 TL
15 saat
19 saniye

Full Hotend Kit - High Temperature

The hotend, which plays an important role in the filament flow, allows the filament to melt quickly thanks to the hotend when it approaches the nozzle. This greatly affects the strength and appearance of the printed part. The high temperature kit, on the other hand, helps you to get better quality and robust prints thanks to its durability up to 300°C. The crealty brand that makes it easy for users to fear the most. Usually when they want to upgrade, they have great fear of disassembling and installing, but the creality brand has made it quite easy with a few screw removals and kits. Moreover, thanks to the light weight of the product, you will be able to move more easily and change parts.


Hotend Kit Technical Specifications:

  • Maximum Nozzle Temperature: 300°C
  • Color: Black - Red
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75mm
  • Nozzle Diameter: 0.4mm
  • Teflon Tube: D4*2

Why is the nozzle clogged?

Usually, users make mistakes while changing the raw material (filament), and because of this error, nozzle clogging occurs. The heat settings are changed when passing from an ABS filament to a PLA filament. However, some ABS filament remaining inside cannot keep up with that heat and the flow is interrupted. This causes congestion.

What are ABS and PLA filament grades?

It is very suitable for the table temperature of PLA filament between 200 and 220°C, and the nozzle between 50 and 70°C. ABS is used between 240 and 270°C, and if the nozzle temperature is between 80 and 110°C, the table temperature is used.

Creality Hotend Accessory Kit
Creality Hotend Accessory Kit
551.83 TL + VAT
662.19 TL
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