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Fluke 302+ Clamp Meter

Product Code
: 6,249.59 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 7,499.51 TL
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Fluke 302+ Pens Ampermetre

The Fluke 302+ is an autorange digital clamp meter. Pliers Ammeter is the measuring device which is used to measure an overhead line or motor circuit's current without cutting the line. Digital Pliers Ammeters usually has a maximum value and its sensitivity.

Pliers Ammeter useage:

To measure alternate current value with Pliers Ammeter, first choose the current value which is over the proper current vaule for you (200 or 1000A) from ACA section. Then put the lines cable in between jaws which are opened by the latch on side and you will see the automaticly measured current value on screen.The only part which you need to be carfeul about is only the receiver or transmitter cable should be in between jaws. Otherwise two opposite electromagnetic field will reset each other and current value will be zero just like in the picture above.

Fluke 302+ Clamp Meter
Fluke 302+ Clamp Meter
6,249.59 TL + VAT
7,499.51 TL
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