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Global K2 KLD101A 216W RGB LED Control Panel with Remote Control

Product Code
: 232.24 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 278.68 TL

Global K2 KLD101A 216W Remote Controlled Rgb Led Control Panel 

Global K2 KLD101A 216W RGB LED Control Panel with Remote Control is a control panel designed for LED lighting systems. This control panel has features such as changing color and adjusting brightness via remote control. It also offers different color modes, allowing you to create various lighting effects. This product is generally used in home decoration, restaurant and hotel lighting. It saves energy by reducing the power consumption of the bulbs and is compatible with long-lasting LED bulbs. This easy-to-apply control panel is an ideal option for those who want to enjoy colorful LED lighting.

Product Features
  • Power: 216 W
  • Current: 18 A
  • Voltage: 12 V

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