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I'm learning Python Training Book

Product Code
: 152.34 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 182.81 TL

Learning Python Education Book

In this book, Python 3, one of the most beloved and useful languages of recent times, is explained along with its innovations. Starting with the interface and interactive shell, many commands that can be used are explained in detail and based on examples. A fun introduction to the world of programming is aimed with instructive, enjoyable applications, and games. Additionally, commonly encountered errors and how to fix them are also explained in each chapter.
The sequence of topics and applications in the book is designed to contribute to the development of programming logic and is designed from easy to difficult, with all projects being tried and tested. More detailed explanations are provided in areas where students struggle in accordance with the education we provide, aiming for a better understanding of the topics.

A great opportunity to code with your child...

• What is Python?
• Why Should Python Be Preferred?
• Python Installation
• Using Python Interactive Shell
• Let's Meet Turtle
• Drawing Square - Triangle
• Getting Data from the User
• Variable Types and Conversions
• Mathematical Expressions
• Conditional Statements
• Logical Operators
• Loops
• Number Guessing Game
• Let's Make a Calculator
• Drawing Olympic Rings
• Creating the Turkish Flag
• Generating Secure Password
• Character Strings
• Lists - Tuples - Dictionaries
• Let's Make an English - Turkish Dictionary
• Creating a Phone Directory
• Learning to Use Functions
• Turtle Race
• Learning to Use Modules
• Let's Prepare a Calendar
• File Operations
• Storing Important Texts with Caesar Encryption

I'm learning Python Training Book
I'm learning Python Training Book
152.34 TL + VAT
182.81 TL
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