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Notify me when its in stockESC is short for Electronic Speed Control. It is used in vehicles such as RC model cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters that work with electric motors. For example, ESC is connected to the control receiver on the model car. It moves or stops the car by transmitting the gas and brake signals from the control to the engine. When we press the gas or the brake, it manages the electricity that will go to the engine and makes the engine work. Thanks to ESC, the vehicle can perform acceleration, deceleration, stopping and reversing functions by responding more or less according to the way we press the gas or brake.
ESC motor çıkış kablolarına batarya bağlanmamalıdır.
ESC batarya girişinde artı ve eksi kutuplara dikkat edilmelidir. Ters kutup bağlantısı ESC nin bozulmasına sebep olur
ESC ler teknik sınırları içerisinde kullanılmalıdır.
ESC ye elektrik vermeden önce; Bağlantıların doğruluğundan, uygun motor ve doğu batarya voltajı kullanıldığından, kısa devre olmadığından emin olunmalıdır.
Continuous maximum current: 40A
instantaneous maximum current: 60A (10sn.)
Lipo: 3-4S
Weight: 26g
Dimensions: 68x25x8.7mm
Connector Type: Φ3.5mm Gold Connektör x 3
Throttle signal support: 621Hz+
Internal Resistance: Very Low