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Notify me when its in stockThis is lidar-based distance sensor. This compact sensor makes it possible to measure the distance of objects up to about 300cm (110″). The sensor works over an input voltage range of 3.0 V to 5.5 V, and the 0.1” pin spacing makes it easy to use with standard solderless breadboards and 0.1” perfboards It uses a short-range lidar module to precisely measure how long it takes for emitted pulses of infrared, eye-safe laser light to reach the nearest object and be reflected back, allowing for 2 mm resolution. As long as the sensor is enabled, it takes continuous distance measurements and encodes the ranges as the widths of high pulses, which can then be timed by a microcontroller using a single digital input.
d=(4mm/1 µs)(t –1000 µs)
t=1000 µs+(1 µs/4 mm)⋅d
d: distance in mm
t: pulse width (in µs)
The timing uncertainty is approximately ±5%. As objects approach the sensor, the output pulse width will approach 1.0 ms
Three connections are necessary to use this module: VIN, GND, and OUT. These pins are accessible through a row of 0.1″-pitch through holes, which work with standard0.1”(2.54mm) male headers and0.1” female headers available separately). The VIN pin should be connected to a 3 V to 5.5 V source, and GND should be connected to 0 volts. The sensor outputs its digital pulses on the OUT pin. The low level of the pulses is 0 V, and the high level is VIN. A red LED on the back side of the board also lights whenever an object is detected (the closer the object, the brighter the LED).