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Rigid3D Zero3 3D Printer

Product Code
Baskı/Kesim Teknolojisi
Makine Tipi
Çıktı Alanı
Otomatik Kalibrasyon
Kablosuz Bağlantı
Dokunmatik Ekran
: 38,950.00 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 46,740.00 TL
1 saat
47 dakika
47 saniye
Teknik Servis Desteği teknik-ikon.png (102 KB)

Rigid3D Zero3 3D Printer

Hobbyists can now print a wider variety of materials with the affordable Rigid3D Zero3. ABS, PLA, PETG, PA12, FLEX and others…

Durable electrostatic powder coated steel body that covers all 4 sides of the printing chamber. Geared extruder with double side clutch, 1 to 3 ratio. Automatic leveling with direct contact to 9 sensing points on the print surface, requiring minimal offset adjustment. Printing with Filament Sensor

Detecting the consumption of the material during the process and waiting for the user for the new material. Cabling system protected by energy chain carriers. Fully independent operation from the computer with the touchscreen color LCD control panel and flash memory/SD card reader. If printing is stopped and the device is turned off

da sonradan baskıyı sürdürebilme (Yalnızca SD karttan baskılarda kullanılabilir.). 
Baskı süresinin ve servis zamanlarının takibi ve servis zamanlarında uyarı verme.

Rigid3D Zero2 3D Printer Features:

No Assembly Required

Zero3 is ready to use 5 minutes after it comes out of the box. Just attach the filament hanger and start your first print.

Closed Print Chamber

It has a compact structure with its 4-sided closed printing chamber. It provides safe use by limiting the access of children with its closed chamber.

Double Clutch Geared Extruder

It grips the filament all around and pushes the filament strongly with a 1 to 3 turn ratio. It can print with flexible filaments up to 75a shore hardness. With the extruder located directly on the head, it gives trouble-free prints with minimum spinning.

Auto Leveling

With the direct contact of the nozzle to 9 sensing points on the printing surface, it creates a contour map of the table with the minimum need for offset adjustment. It makes the leveling adjustment once and saves it. Printing starts quickly without waiting for leveling before each print.

Filament Detection

It detects the filament and warns when the filament is exhausted, waiting for the new filament to be loaded to continue printing.

Touch Color Screen

The 3.5” color touch screen allows fast and intuitive operation. In addition to the predefined screen functions, gcode commands can be given on the screen without being connected to the computer.

Service Alerts

It gives an information message on the screen when the service times come, depending on the usage period. It provides trouble-free use by ensuring regular periodic maintenance.

Internal Lighting

Print chamber lighting enables monitoring of the printing process and safer pre- and post-press operations.

Powerful Tray Heater

It heats up fast with a 500-watt table heater and starts printing faster. Allows prints at table temperatures up to 100˚C.

Save Resume

It is important to operate 3d printers under surveillance for safety reasons. Even if your prints are long, you do not have to operate your device when you are not with it. When you can't follow your print, stop the print and turn off Zero3. When you come back to it, turn on the device and continue printing from where you left off. By connecting Zero3 to an uninterruptible power supply, you can stop printing in case of power failure and continue printing afterwards.


Rigid3D Zero2 3D Printer Specifications:

Printing Technology: FFF (Heated Filament Production)
Print Volume: 20 x 20 x 20 cm(**)
Kinematics: Simple Cartesian
Idle Movement Speed: 150 mm/sn
Ekstruder: 3:1 Ratio Geared Double Clutch
Layer Thickness: 0.05 – 0.30 mm
Nozzle Diameter 0.40 mm (Opsiyonel: 0.20, 0.30, 0.50, 0.60, 0.80 mm)
Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm

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Rigid3D Zero3 3D Printer
Rigid3D Zero3 3D Printer
38,950.00 TL + VAT
46,740.00 TL
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