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Would not you like to have a very stylish wooden house model house? Moreover, you will create this house. What do you even think about making your house a night lamp at the same time by preparing and installing a circuit into this house that you have created?

Wooden RGB House Achievements
It contributes to the acquisition of the following benefits together with the main concepts such as circuit installation, LED, switch, architecture, design, product development ".
It improves construction, mechanical, control, design and construction capabilities.
Learn circuit setup.
It recognizes electronic circuit elements such as LED, switch, resistor, battery.
It contributes to the strength of children's hand skills.
It improves game building, problem solving and analytical thinking skills.
It provides hand-eye coordination.
Attention and concentration contribute to the development.
Analyze two dimensions and convert them into three dimensions.
Why does the result relate.
Sequential assembly skill gains.
It develops innovative thinking and problem solving skills.

At the end of the experience, children will play with their "Wooden RGB House" they produce.
Our product is not industrial. Problem solving is among our ultimate goals. We aim to find a solution to the problem when the houses are broken, to try to fix it. We want to cut the cable when there is no contact, lift the jumper at the end of the cable, and repair the connection itself.
We used wood as our main body for the moment we arrived. We want our students to differentiate their wooden house, hack and use different materials to make different LED houses.
We want people to observe the working condition of the houses using other materials instead of the wooden body. We act on the principle of learning by doing-living and experimenting. E.g; we want our student who designs a new product with an object that does not have a light output to observe the state of the light emission after placing the circuit and connect it to the result.
We are people who are problem-minded, and we want our students to tackle problem solving in the parent / mentor relationship in order to solve problems in our products.

Stemist Box Wooden RGB House
Stemist Box Wooden RGB House
208.26 TL + VAT
249.91 TL
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