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DC Power Connector Female 5.5x2.1mm

What is DC Connector?

A DC Connector (or DC Plug) is an electrical connector that provides direct current. Compared with domestic socket, there are more standard types of DC Connectors that are not interchangeable. The size and arrangement of the DC Connectors can be adjusted to prevent the interconnection of loads and sources from being misconnected. Types range from powered portable electronic devices with AC Adapters using small coaxial connectors to connectors used in automotive accessories and battery packs of portable devices.

DC Power Connector Female 5.5x2.1mm Technical Specifications:
  • Contact rating: 1A 16V DC
  • Connector size: 5.5mm x 2.1mm
  • Product size: 12mm x 12mm x 20mm
  • Termination method: Solder Lug
DC Power Connector Female 5.5x2.1mm
DC Power Connector Female 5.5x2.1mm
19.98 TL + VAT
23.97 TL
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