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Interface Development for Arduino in Embedded Systems with Python

With this book, you can learn both interface coding and serial port control using the Python programming language. Along with this book, you will be able to control all embedded system boards, including Arduino, with the interfaces you create. The book also includes the usage of various modules (relay, DHT-11, Rain Sensor, LCD display, etc.), more than 15 examples, and 3 different comprehensive projects. You will gain detailed knowledge ranging from Python and Arduino communication to the development of LCD screen control interfaces, interface coding, and sensor data interfaces.

Book Contents:

  • Creating Interface Windows
  • Drawing Shapes in the Interface
  • Coloring Interface Windows
  • Arayüze Simge ve Arka Plan Ekleme
  • Arayüzde Fare (Mouse) İşlemleri
  • Arayüzde Buton Oluşturma
  • Arayüzde Klavye Tuşları Kullanımı
  • Arayüze Şarkı Ekleme
  • DHT-11 (Sıcaklık ve Nem Sensörü)
  • Yağmur Sensörü
  • Python ile Dijital Pin Kontrolü
  • Python ile Analog Pin Okuma
  • Python ile Bilgisayar Portunun Kontrolü
  • Python ve Arduino Haberleşmesi
  • Firmata Protokolü
  • I2C LCD Ekran Modülü
  • LDR (Işığa Bağımlı Direnç)
  • Röle Kontrol Arayüzü
  • Sensör Bilgi Arayüzü
  • LCD Ekran Kontrol Arayüzü

Interface Development for Arduino in Embedded Systems with Python
Interface Development for Arduino in Embedded Systems with Python
211.54 TL + VAT
253.85 TL
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