Robotistan Mega Starter Kit - Compatible with Arduino
This is a kit that includes Mega, various sensors, motors, modules and a variety of equipments. This kit is ideal for the new-starters.
- Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 Clone - USB Cable Gift - (USB Chip CH340)
- Arduino Mega 2560 R3 Proto Shield Kit with Mini Breadboard
- Large Size Breadboard
- 28 BYJ-48 Geared Stepper Motor and ULN2003A Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 5 mm Red LED Package - 10 Pieces
- 5 mm Green Led Package - 10 Pieces
- 5 mm Yellow LED Package - 10 Pieces
- Spring Vibration Sensor Board
- Fever Detection Sensor Card (Flame Sensor)
- LM35DZ Precision Temperature Sensor (China)IR Receiver Transmitter Control Set
- 5mm LDR - 3 pcs
- 4 Pin Push Button - Black (6x6x5 mm) - 4 pcs
- 22K Potentiometer - WH148
- Buzzer, 5V-12V, 12mm
- 2x16 LCD - Black on Green
- SG90 RC Mini (9gr) Servo Motor
- Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 Plexi Box - Plexi Box for Arduino
- 1x40 12 mm 180 Degree Male Pin Header
- 40 Pin Detachable Male-Male M-M Jumper Cable-200 mm
- 40 Pin Detachable Female-Female F-F Jumper Cable-200 mm
- 1/4 W 220K Resistor Pack - 10 Pieces
- 8x8 Dot Matrix
- 14 mm 7 Segment Display - Anode
- 14mm 4-way 7-Segment Anode Display - Red
- 74HC595 Integrated
- 9 V Battery Holder - Battery Holder
- Multi-Purpose Compartmented Material Box - Transparent ASR-5018