SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor is an IC that contains a analog to digital converter, a signal processor circuit and a I2C circuit on it.
- Operating voltage: 1.9 V - 3.6 V (Recommended voltage is 3.3 V)
- Current with no load: 60 nA
- Temperature measuring range: -40 - 80 ℃ (recommended range is -10 - 60 ℃)
- Temperature measuring precision: ±0.4 ℃ (between -10 - 85℃)
- Humidity measuring range: %0 - %100 RH (recommanded range is %20 - %80 RH)
- Humidity measuring precision: ± %3 (between %20 - %80)
- Minimal time for next temperature mearument: 7 ms
- Minimal time for next humidity mearument: 17 ms (When the humidity measurement is done, temperature measuerement is automatically done too by the sensor)
- Communication interface I2C
- Sizes: 13 mm x 10 mm