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Zı Propeller

Stemist Box
Product Code
: 109.61 TL + VAT
KDV Dahil Fiyat
: 249.91 TL
İndirimli Fiyat
: 131.53 TL
10 saat
29 dakika
0 saniye

Zı Propeller

Toy propoller assembly consist of motor, propoller, jumper cables and wooden modules. We can make the kit for refresh the warm enviroment by using Electronic and maker knowladge. Product has plastic clamps to avoid using silicone and product comes with solder which seems really easy but imagination and productivity are behind this simplicity. With this product our kids can learn both making propoller and learn how energy conversion by analyze conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy. In the end of the project kids are going to explain what is conversion of energy, what is the other example of this energy conversion.

Educational attainment

  • Both fun and learn
  • Will understand conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy
  • Will improve analytical thinking
  • And the product will improve to solving problem, conscious work and innovative thinking

Packege included

  • Wooden materials
  • Electrical equipments
  • Propoller
  • Battery
  • Leaflet
  • Scientific metot process paper
  • Setup guide
  • Product introduction paper
Zı Propeller
Zı Propeller
109.61 TL + VAT
131.53 TL
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