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Force / Vibration / Inclination Sensors

Force, vibration, and inclination sensors, indispensable components of modern technology, play a vital role in various industries and applications. This specific category encompasses a variety of sensors designed to meet diverse measurement and monitoring needs. Here are some main product groups you can find in this category:

Force Sensor

Force sensors are used to precisely measure the force applied to objects. Widely utilized in various fields such as industrial automation, machine safety, quality control, and material testing, these sensors provide accurate and reliable data.

The applications of force sensors are extensive. Here are some common application areas:

  1. Industrial Automation: Used to ensure the accurate assembly and quality of products on production lines.

  1. Weight Measurement: Employed in weighing machines, load-carrying vehicles, and retail scales for weight measurement.

  1. Material Testing: Utilized in laboratory applications to test the strength and durability of materials.

  1. Medical Devices: Used for force measurement in dental equipment, prosthetics, and medical devices.

  1. Space and Aerospace: Applied to measure force in space exploration and aircraft design.

  1. Robotics and Machine Learning: Used to provide feedback for robots and artificial intelligence systems.

Force sensors are critical for applications requiring precision, durability, and accuracy.

Working Principle of Force Sensors

Force sensors can have different working principles for measuring applied force, but the two most common principles are:

  1. Load Cell: A load cell has a metal or alloy structure that measures the deformation resulting from the applied force. Here is the working principle:

  •  When force is applied, the metal structure of the load cell undergoes deformation. This deformation causes thin wires or film pieces called strain gauges inside the load cell to stretch.
  • Strain gauges change their electrical resistance when stretched. Depending on the magnitude of the force, the resistance values of the strain gauges change.
  • These resistance changes are measured through a bridge circuit or Wheatstone bridge, allowing the precise calculation of the applied force.

  1. Piezoelectric Sensors: Piezoelectric sensors measure force using the special properties of piezoelectric materials. Here is the working principle:

  • Piezoelectric materials, when subjected to force, induce a change in their electric potential. Electrodes are placed on both sides of the piezoelectric material to measure these potential changes.
  • As the applied force increases, the electric potential on the piezoelectric material changes. These changes are recorded by a sensitive measuring device, and the magnitude of the force is calculated.

The working principles of force sensors can vary depending on the application type and the technology used. However, fundamentally, a change or response caused by the applied force is converted into an electrical signal to measure force.

Vibration Sensors

Vibration sensors are used to measure the levels of vibration in machines or structures. These sensors play a crucial role in applications such as preventing machine failures, inspecting structural integrity, and enhancing energy efficiency.

Inclination Sensors

Inclination sensors are employed to detect the inclination or changes in inclination of a surface. In many fields, including construction, agriculture, automotive, and navigation, inclination measurement is essential. These sensors provide precise and reliable inclination data.

The sensors within this category stand out with their high precision, durability, and various connection options. They can be used in a broad range of applications, from industrial use to hobby projects. By selecting the force, vibration, or inclination sensor that suits your needs, you can make your projects or tasks safer, more efficient, and accurate.

We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art force, vibration, and inclination sensors. We would be delighted to assist you in meeting your measurement and monitoring requirements with our quality products.

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