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Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F is an easy to use analog sensor that can detect the objects within the 20-150cm range. This is a long range sensor.
Sharp sensors are popular among the distance sensors. GP2Y0A02YK0F provides a better performance according to it's relevants.
You can use this sensor by connecting it to a microcontroller's analog pin. The sensor's voltage output according to distance is given below.
analog voltage values of sharp gp2y0a02yk0f infrared distance sensor according to distance
The sensor's pins shown below are, starting from left, +5V, GND and data out.
sharp gp2y0a02yk0f infrared distance sensor leg connections
  • Operating Voltage: 4.5V to 5.5V
  • Average Current Consumption: 33mA
  • Distance Measuring Range: 20cm to 150cm
  • Output Type: Analog Voltage
  • Output Voltage Differencial Distance Owerflow Range: 2.0V
  • Response Time: 38±10ms
  • Dimensions: 29.5x13.0x21.5 mm
  • Weight: 4.8 g

* To get rid of the noises in power line you can connect a 10uF or higher capacitor between Vcc and GND and you wil get a more stable output.
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Infrared Distance Sensor 20-150cm
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Infrared Distance Sensor 20-150cm
308.42 TL + VAT
370.10 TL
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