CMOD C2 that includes Xilinx CoolRunner II CPLD (64 Macrocells) has 40-pin wide DIP connectors and CMOD C2 can be programme with JTAG.
- All C-MOD boards are compatible with free Xilinx WebPack tools.
- It can be designed easily as it is connected with C-MODs by using different CPLD devices.
- Once programmed CPLD designs are permanent.
- All avaible user's input/output signals reveals DIP pins.
- Only requires 3.3V supply voltage.
- Sufficient bypass capacitance in all CPLD voltage supply pins.
C-Mod boards combine one Xilinx CPLD in proper 600-mile, 40-pin DIP package, one JTAG programming port and power source circuits.
C-Mod boards are ideal compatible with breadboard and other prototype circuit designs.